Vertigo Facts and a Natural Treatment Option in Orlando

Vertigo Facts and a Natural Treatment Option in Orlando

vertigow05Vertigo is the sensation that the room is spinning. Many simply use the term dizziness as a blanket term that includes vertigo. Vertigo is a vestibular condition that springs either from dysfunction in the inner ear or in the parts of the central nervous system (CNS) that interpret the body’s signals about its position. When the problem springs from the CNS, this is referred to as central vertigo.

The Most Common Type of Vertigo

The most common type of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, sometimes shortened to positional vertigo. Positional vertigo often seems to arise spontaneously. It is considered an idiopathic condition which just means that there is no single cause understood to be at the source of all vertigo cases. Vertigo is often caused by conditions such as an ear infection. Many find that vertigo becomes a problem after head or neck trauma.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Vertigo eBook

Positional vertigo means that the spinning is brought on by certain head movements or neck positions. Often a person will experience the vertigo first thing in the morning when sitting up in bed. More severe vertigo attacks may cause a person to fall down. These are referred to as drop attacks.

Natural Treatment for Vertigo

One thing researchers have noted about vertigo is that it is often tied to reduced blood flow to the brain. This can be caused by an atlas (C1 vertebra) misalignment. An atlas misalignment can also put pressure on the brainstem, thus affecting communication in the body. The result can be confused signals about the position of the body in space, thereby causing everything to feel like it is spinning.

When an atlas misalignment is at the heart of a vertigo problem, the condition may improve or resolve once the alignment is corrected. At Orlando Spine Center, we use the NUCCA technique to diagnose and correct upper cervical misalignments.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

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