The staff at the Orlando Spine Center are trained to screen each patient that comes in our office to see if they have Spinal Dysfunction caused by pressure to their brain stem. We begin by screening each patient at their first visit to see if they have muscle tension, poor posture and balance, or misaligned leg. If a patient shows signs of all three symptoms then we will perform a more thorough evaluation using our latest technology. Using non-invasive technology, we are able to determine if there is pressure on a person’s brain stem where the atlas sits under the skull. If a patient DOES NOT show signs of pressure, then we can not proceed with our care, but we will help the patient find another caregiver to help them with their current condition. If a patient DOES show signs of pressure at their brain stem then we will move forward and take detailed x-rays of their spine.

The doctor will then analyze the x-rays to determine the amount of spinal dysfunction and calculate how to correct it back to its normal position. The doctor then reviews his analysis with each patient and specifically goes over that patient’s condition. The doctor will answer any questions that the patient has and help them understand the need for treatment. A successful treatment is demonstrated by the patient’s posture, muscle tension, and leg length all coming to a state of balance after the patient has a NUCCA treatment. The final step to determine if the correction was successful is a post x-ray to see if the skull, the atlas, and the neck bones are all in proper alignment. This is measured using measurements of millimeters and degrees. The benefits of NUCCA care decrease the number of visits needed, decrease discomfort during treatment (no popping/cracking), and provide an absolute value of correction (no guessing on whether the adjustment worked).